
音楽ファイル共有 - sadakomaの日記の続き。


Just because it CAN read the tag info from these types of files doesn't mean it will by default. To make mt-daapd index these files, you still have to add those files extensions to the "extensions" config item in your mt-daapd.conf.

If you do this, you should be able to connect with iTunes and see these types of files in your songs list. This will include songs you normally didn't see there -- ogg files, flac files, etc. You won't be able to play them, however. You can click on them, but iTunes won't play them. That's because iTunes won't play ogg files or flac files -- even if the quicktime components are installed. So on to the next step.


  • サーバ側でmp3なりwavなりiTunesが認識出来る形式に変換してやる。
  • iTunes以外のクライアントを使う。
